2011 Angel Film Awards - Monaco International Film Festival angel awards




Carsten Rauin is an award-winning writer and producer from Zurich, Switzerland. He has been in the film biz for a long time, working as a production manager and producer. Deeply infected with the writing virus, he worked on short novels and stories since his childhood before he changed to serious screenplay, novel writing and filmmaking. Carsten has been writing screenplays and novels for several years.


A documentary about the - Little Heroes - of this world. A report not about the Big, the Successful, but about people who escape poverty with only little help. Little heroes who don‘t expect something great but nevertheless achieve something great. They defy the bane of poverty and move on to success. "The only place where poverty should be is in museums"" - Prof. Muhammad Yunus.


A documentary about the ‘Little Heroes’ of this world. A report not about the Big, the Successful, but about people who escape poverty with only little help.

The meaning and objective of this documentary is to show the necessity of worldwide encouragement for needy persons. Most importantly, to show that little amounts of money can cause big changes.

Micro Credits and Social Business are the first two topics of discussion. The former, as a first step, leads the poorest to a self-developed life. With Micro Credits man can expand his own little business, explore new opportunities and escape poverty. The one and only premise is to not only give money but expertise and excellent support swell. The last topic is covered by the world-famous Grameen Bank whose founder Prof. Muhammad Yunus sets a high value on support and consulting.

But most important of all is leading the world‘s entrepreneurs to Social Business. This is a consequent further step to fight poverty. Companies and affiliated groups take active part in reducing poverty by building up companies which raise employment and produce for the poor. The solution on hand: re-invest all profit. Without exception. Period!

“Little Heroes” shows distressed people in Dhaka‘s slums, borrowers building up their own little business, aide institutions as Grameen Bank, Yunuscentre, BRAC (Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee) and various companies which dared to invest in Social Business without guarantees of success.

At last the message to the audience:

Actively help the fight against poverty! Be aware of affliction and distress! And... don‘t look the other way!